Darbs pēta klimata pārmaiņu fenomenu Ričarda Pouersa romānā The Overstory, analizējot to no ekokritikas perspektīvas. Pētījuma metodes ietver klimata pārmaiņu, to attēlojuma literatūrā un ekokritikas teorētisko pētījumu, kā arī praktisko pētījumu (detalizētu lasīšanu un ekokritisku analīzi). Pētījuma rezultāti liecina, ka daba un klimata pārmaiņas romānā attēlotas kā process, ko ietekmē cilvēku rīcība. Cilvēku un pārējo varoņu (koku) attiecības ir attēlotas, balstoties uz Gajas mītu, paralēlās pasaules, civilizācijas projekta teoriju, kā arī vairākiem garīgiem mītiem un uzskatiem. Katrs no galvenajiem cilvēku tēliem ir saistīts ar savu koka tēlu, tomēr romānā ir arī uzsvērts, ka viss dabā ir saistīts. The Overstory atsaucas uz vairākiem ies...
Former creative resistance to environmentally hazardous activities has during the last decades, thro...
"The first part of this thesis is a climate change novel called Solastalgia. In 2058, climatologist ...
Ecocriticism constitutes the fictional treatment of environmental problems. Climate Change is one of...
Anthropogener Klimawandel ist ein Phänomen, das von Abstraktheit, Komplexität, Unsicherheit und Kont...
Analysis of the scientific background in science fiction is one of the approaches used to determine ...
In the last five years, climate change has emerged as a dominant theme in literature and, correspond...
This article provides an overview of climate change in literature, focusing on the representation of...
While Amitav Ghosh and others have argued that the conventions of the realist novel inhibit its capa...
Naukowe dowody na trwanie kryzysu klimatyczno-ekologicznego spowodowanego działalnością ludzką są pr...
This essay is an ecocritical literary analysis of the novel Solar. The aim is to investigate the eff...
”There will be no summer” – environmental awakening in Timo K. Mukka’s novel Ja kesän heinä kuolee ...
Au travers d’un corpus représentatif, cette thèse examine comment les discours scientifiques et poli...
Pojem "změna klimatu" (klimatické změny) -- často ve spojitosti s pojmem globální oteplování -- se b...
This Creative Writing thesis argues for the need to rethink our understanding of climate change and ...
In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten rückte der Klimawandel in den Fokus der naturwissenschaftlichen Fo...
Former creative resistance to environmentally hazardous activities has during the last decades, thro...
"The first part of this thesis is a climate change novel called Solastalgia. In 2058, climatologist ...
Ecocriticism constitutes the fictional treatment of environmental problems. Climate Change is one of...
Anthropogener Klimawandel ist ein Phänomen, das von Abstraktheit, Komplexität, Unsicherheit und Kont...
Analysis of the scientific background in science fiction is one of the approaches used to determine ...
In the last five years, climate change has emerged as a dominant theme in literature and, correspond...
This article provides an overview of climate change in literature, focusing on the representation of...
While Amitav Ghosh and others have argued that the conventions of the realist novel inhibit its capa...
Naukowe dowody na trwanie kryzysu klimatyczno-ekologicznego spowodowanego działalnością ludzką są pr...
This essay is an ecocritical literary analysis of the novel Solar. The aim is to investigate the eff...
”There will be no summer” – environmental awakening in Timo K. Mukka’s novel Ja kesän heinä kuolee ...
Au travers d’un corpus représentatif, cette thèse examine comment les discours scientifiques et poli...
Pojem "změna klimatu" (klimatické změny) -- často ve spojitosti s pojmem globální oteplování -- se b...
This Creative Writing thesis argues for the need to rethink our understanding of climate change and ...
In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten rückte der Klimawandel in den Fokus der naturwissenschaftlichen Fo...
Former creative resistance to environmentally hazardous activities has during the last decades, thro...
"The first part of this thesis is a climate change novel called Solastalgia. In 2058, climatologist ...
Ecocriticism constitutes the fictional treatment of environmental problems. Climate Change is one of...